Two Sundays ago was National Sanctity of Human Life Day. 38 years ago, January 22, our Supreme Court made a commitment to death, to legalized and protected murder in the name of personal health and individual freedom.

Thankfully there are many Christians who love and fight for life. They may work for life through writing or by voting or serving in office or caring or adopting. May their tribe increase ten-fold and may God help all Christians promote life.

May He also help the church to love life, to celebrate life, to proclaim life, and to live life together. Perhaps one reason people value choice over life is because we have failed to show how great life is. If we see other believers–our own body–as interruptions or inconveniences, is it really a surprise if unbelievers see a new baby–or the wrong gendered baby–as an interruption or inconvenience?

When the church gathers we should rejoice in Christ who is our life. As we scatter, we must take the joy of life with us. May we live bigger than ourselves this week as God makes known His manifold wisdom through the life of the church.

A few important links:

  • - Statistics, arguments, testimonies, videos, and gear for the case against abortion.
  • The Deadly Logic of Abortion - Recent article by Al Mohler considering two “horrifying accounts,” one about a couple who aborted twin boys because they wanted a girl, and the other about a doctor who performed thousands of gruesome abortions.
  • President Obama and Abortion - President Obama’s wicked, smooth-talking press statement and John Piper’s address to the President from a few years ago.