I was talking with a friend this week who mentioned that he’d like to subscribe to the Void by email. I used to have a page for just such a thing but apparently it didn’t make the jump when I switched to Jekyll. So I’ve created a Subscribe page and changed the link in the header and added one in the footer for those who come in the future. In the meantime, enjoy a couple different ways to get the Void delivered to you, free of charge.


If you wonder what RSS means, then read the basics or watch a short video explanation. It may just change your life. To subscribe to my feed, right-click the link below, copy the link address, then paste address into your RSS reader of choice. Here it is in all it’s glory:

For what it’s worth, I use and recommend Google Reader as well as Reeder for Mac and iOS.


If you prefer to have each post delivered to your email inbox as it’s own little packaged present of joy, enter your email address in the box below and let the Feedburner bots serve you.

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