Our government continues marching towards a legal redefinition of marriage. Last week our President pandered to the homosexual crowd and offered up his “evolved” support for same sex marriage. I realize that there are many factors that have led our country to this edge and that no one response will counteract it. We must certainly proclaim the gospel, starting with God’s good and righteous standards and then His gracious offer of forgiveness in Christ to all who repent and believe. As Christians, we must speak boldly about judgment on all sin, including homosexuality, and speak humbly as those who deserved His judgment ourselves. Win or lose in the political short term, we must not back down.

We must also love and honor our moms. The move toward naturalizing homosexual marriage is a direct attack against male and female image-bearing as well as a strike at the family at the centralizing unit of society. As I said, there are a variety of problems that got us here but one clear failure is the dishonoring of wives and moms in the home. Dads have provided the model of neglect and allowed their kids to pay little attention as well. The heads of houses have neglected to train the household to give thanks for moms. Children reach a certain level where mom becomes dispensable. If mom is dispensable, certainly her role can be redefined and she can be replaced by anyone.

Conservative Christians have left the door wide open for unbelievers, not because we have compromised our paperwork, but because we’ve shown no reason to appreciate moms. The church is responsible to lead the way in showing honor to whom honor is due and instead we’ve taught the culture that giving flowers and cards on one Sunday a year is enough.