There are only two uses of the adjective form of “Lord” (κυριακῇ) in the New Testament. One is in Revelation 1:10 regarding the “Lord’s day.” The other is in 1 Corinthians 11:20 regarding the “Lord’s supper.” We use these descriptions many centuries later because they are inspired descriptions. This adjective is worth keeping.

It is also worth noting that when John saw the vision of the resurrected Lord, he fell at Jesus’ feet as though dead. It is an awesome thing to behold the Son of Man in His glory. Such humility is appropriate before the Lord, and when we consider what a “lordy” day is to be, and when we consider what a “lordy” meal is to be, we are certainly intended to see something special.

But Jesus’ response to John’s humility is also instructive. This dazzling Lord, clothed with divine glory, put His hand on John, told him not to fear, and announced His authority over life and death for John’s good. Don’t fear because He is the living one. Don’t fear because He died, and behold, is alive forever more. Don’t fear because He has the keys of Death and Hades.

While it is possible to abuse the Lord’s kindness to us, which some of the Corinthians had done, the Lord’s supper is a reminder of His authority and His grace. It is a reminder that the one who invites us to eat and drink shares Himself, His life, and His kingdom with us.