Ten Commandments for Preaching
Ten Commandments for Preaching ➔
- Thou shalt not put words in God’s mouth.
- Thou shalt prepare and preach every message as though it were thy last.
- Thou shalt not present the Word of God in a boring and non-compelling manner.
- Thou always shalt point to Christ in thy message.
- Thou shalt edify thy hearers to faith and obedience.
- Thou shalt not be one kind of person and another kind of preacher.
- Thou shalt not open a commentary until thou hast read the passage 100 times.
- Honor thine context above all else, so that it may go well with thee in thy message.
- Thou shalt make the point of the text the point of the message.
- Thou shalt preach and teach doctrine above all else.
-By J. Tyler Scarlett, Pastor of Forest Baptist Church in Forest, Virginia