He Knows
Jesus knows everything. Nothing escapes Him. His knowledge penetrates the hearts of men, all their attitudes, intentions, and imaginations. He also foresees the future, every decision and event yet to come. Because He knows, He cannot be snowed. The Gospels repeatedly report His divine knowledge. He knows more and more truly than all the Internet pages stitched together.
The apostles also preached Jesus’ divine judgment. Speaking to Cornelius in Acts 10, Peter explained that Christ (who is Lord of all, verse 36), “commanded [the apostles] to preach to the people and to testify that [Jesus] is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead” (verse 42). Jesus writes the final sentence for every person.
His divine knowledge and judgment should provide us with at least a couple encouragements. First, we who believe in Christ depend on His omniscient judgment to right every wrong in someway (by fixing or punishing) someday. He knows all the sins we see and stacks of those we don’t. His judgment isn’t an obstacle that prevents our faith, it is an object of our faith. We trust that He will take care of all sin.
Second, Peter refers to the preaching of good news of peace through Jesus (verse 36). The omniscient judge is also the obedient sacrifice. Peter, as the prophets before him, bore witness “that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name” (verse 43). Christian, if you’re forgiven, it’s not because He didn’t know all the sin in your heart or in your future. Don’t fear that He might find something you think He didn’t know about. We confess our sins not because He’s ignorant, but because it helps us to remember that He knows them all and forgives them all.