Cosmic and Concentrated
Blessing runs in two directions at the beginning of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We bless God, which is to say that we glorify Him in praise, and He blesses us, which is to say that He gives us favor; He protects and provides and gladdens. We bless because He first blessed us.
The Father’s blessing to us is both cosmic and concentrated. He blesses us “with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places.” I’m not totally sure what to do with that, other than thinking that it’s real good. Every blessing, as in, not missing one? And heavenly places, as in, the places where thieves can’t break in and steal and moths can’t eat away and rust can’t corrupt? In the heavenlies is the seat of His rule, the place His will is always done speedily and gladly. Our blessings are limited only by the Father’s ideas and abilities and resources.
Our blessings are also centered. The Father “has blessed us in Christ” (verse 3). The Father has predestined us to receive grace in such a stunning way so that it praises the glory of His grace, and “he has blessed us in the Beloved” (verse 6) with this grand grace.
“In Him” we were chosen to be holy and blameless (verse 4). “In Him” we have redemption and forgiveness (verse 7). “In Christ” we see the working of God’s plan for the fulness of time (verse 10). “In Him” we have obtained an inheritance (verse 11). “In Him” we were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit (verse 14).
All of these blessings are in Christ, and we who believe are in Him. We are blessed in Him who is over all things and who fills all in all.