All the Pains It Cost
On Rilian’s return home and how the Narnians recognized him, and Jill’s joyful perspective on their previous difficulties:
Pale though he was from long imprisonment in the Deep Lands, dressed in black, dusty, disheveled, and weary, there was something in his face and air which no one could mistake. That look is in the face of all true Kings of Narnia, who rule by the will of Aslan and sit at Cair Paravel on the throne of Peter the High King. Instantly every head was bared and every knee was bent; a moment later such cheering and shouting, such jumps and reels of joy, such hand-shakings and kissings and embracings of everybody by everybody else broke out that the tears came into Jill’s eyes. Their quest had been worth all the pains it cost.
–C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair
We will soon see the face of our true King, and our joy will be worth all the pains it cost.