A Spoonful of Flour
One note does not make a song. One chord, made of three notes struck at the same time, still does not make a song. One ingredient does not make bread. Imagine if at the Lord’s Supper everyone took a spoonful of flour. We’d definitely need bigger cups for the wine.
The Lord’s Table is a Table for all the members; it is members only, but not because it is closed to those we don’t like or who don’t meet our requirements. It is only for members of the body, for those who confess Christ as Lord, who are united to Christ, and are part of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12).
We all got here because of God’s Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13). We all got here because of the cross. We all got here because of sovereign electing grace. We all got here because of God’s arrangement (1 Corinthians 12:18).
So don’t look down on yourself, and don’t look down on others. The only thing that it’s okay to wish to be different is to wish you were more like Christ. No wanting to have the gifts that God gave to someone else. No expecting that someone else needs to be like you for them to be valuable.
In one Spirit we’ve all be baptized into one body, and we’re all made to drink of one Spirit. Let there be unity. Let there be harmony. Let there be fulness of joy because we share communion in Christ. It’s not just that you should love these other parts, it’s that you need these other parts. It’s not just toleration of them, it’s gladness with and for them.